Selected Service |
Vice President (2013-2015); President (2015-2016); Past President (2016-2017): Philosophy of Science Association (2013-2017) [PSA site]
Board: PhilSci-Archives (2013-present) [PhilSci-Archive site]
International Advisory Committee: Rotman Institute of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario (2011-present) [Rotman Institute site]
Editorial Board: Philosophy of Science (1994-1996; 2009-present) [journal site]
Editorial Board: University of Calgary Press (2020-present) [publisher site]
Editorial Board: Minnesota Studies in Philosophy of Science (1996-present) [MSPS site]
Editorial Advisory Board: Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook (2011-present) [Yearbook site]
Referee: University of Chicago Press [publisher site], Cambridge University Press [publisher site], Harvard University Press [publisher site], and Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Press [parent site], Princeton University Press [publisher site]
Complete list of service on cv