Calgary Summit of Philosophers of Science
Philosophers of biology throughout Canada met at the University of Calgary to discuss future directions for the field. All twenty philosophers of biology holding faculty positions at Canadian research universities were invited and all but one was able to attend. Six extensive discussions started with lectures and comments. The lecturers were John Dupré, Philip Kitcher, Helen Longino, Elliott Sober, Ken Waters, and Bill Wimsatt. John Beatty, Marc Ereshefsky, Carla Fehr, Lisa Gannett, Mohan Matthen, and Rob Wilson gave comments on their views about future directions. The Summit included a poster forum during which Canadian graduate students and postdoctoral fellows presented their research. [official site]
Organizers: Megan Delehanty Marc Ereshefsky C. Kenneth Waters |
Coming Soon...
YouTube channel of lectures.
Lecture slides.
Lecture slides.